泉州骏华机械有限公司位于中国福建省南安霞美工业园区,是集研发、生产、贸易为一体的工贸企业。公司主要专业生产各种支重轮、托链轮、驱动轮、引导轮、链轨总成及各种国产、进口挖掘机、推土机、钻机底盘零部件、液压件。 公司以“创先进品质、做百年企业”为目标,自创立以来始终贯彻“为顾客创造价值、为员工创造机会、为社会创造利益”的企业宗旨。全面推行专业化、规模化、现代化管理理念。为广大客户提供更为便捷、更为快速的优质服务。公司生产的产品已通过ISO14001、ISO9001国际标准化管理体系认证,深受国内外广大客户青睐。 目前公司已在广州、天津、郑州、沈阳等地设立了销售服务公司,以市场为导向直接面向国内外市场。“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”我们将以锲而不舍的努力:以优质、科技的产品奉献给关注、关心、关爱我们的各界友人,为中国工程机械美好的未来而努力奋斗! 骏华机械以责任为核心的创业思维,以诚信为核心的形象思维,以创新为核心的管理思维,以共赢为核心的经营思维,来更好的服务国内外新老商户,使我们在激烈的市场竞争中坚如磐石,立于不败之地。 骏华机械建立一套适用市场行之有效的销售及售后服务体系,精心打造通畅,快捷的销售通道。 QUANZHOU JUNHUA MCHINERY CO.,LTD.located in Xiamei industrial Area,Nan’an City,Fujian Province,China,is a trade and industry enterprise*involving in R&D,manufacturing and trading.The company is mainly specialized in production of all kids of track roller,carrier roller,sprocket rim,idler and link assy as well as undercarriage parts and hydraulic parts for various kinds of homemade and imported excavators,bulldozers and drilling machine. The company aims at "creating first-class quality,being hundred-year-old enterprise".Since establishment,we always obey the enterprise slogan of "creating value for customer,creating opportunity for work-staff and creating benefits for the society"all the time and carry out the management concept of specialization,scaling and modernization in an all-round way.We provide more convenient and faster service for our customers.Our products have already got the ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 certificate and are very popular with all customers at home and aboard. Now the company has set up sales service branches in Guangzhou,Tianjin,Zhengzhou and Shenyang etc.and due to market-oriented.it directly faces domestic and international market.There is an ancient poetry going as:Long,Long had been my road and far,far was the joumey;I would go up and down to seek my heart's desire; The way strtched endless ahead,I shall search heaven and earth. We will make endless effort,taking perfect,high quality and technological products as a retum to friends from all walks of life who concem,care and love us and fight for the beautiful feature of engineering plant in China.
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